Try Before You Buy

Do you have a business of 10+ employees?

Would you buy a vehicle without test-driving it first? Neither would we. We think that you should also be able to test-drive your IT support service before making any commitments. That’s why we’re offering first-time customers anywhere between 5-20 hours of exceptional IT support completely free:

Free 5-20 hours
IT support.


Try before you buy.


No strings attached.

Your free hours include:

  • All-inclusive IT service
    • Proactive managed server care
    • Desktop and user care
    • Backup and disaster recovery
    • Web filtering and firewall
    • Mobile office
    • Cloud IT solutions
    • Printer management for SMBs
  • Dedicated lead engineer and technical team


If you’re a small business with 10+ employees, then you qualify to apply for this try-before-you-buy offer. If you’re not completely satisfied (but we’re confident you will be), you’re free to walk away.

Sign up now!

There is a limited amount of hours we’re able to offer each month, so the sooner you apply the better your chances for receiving between 5-20 hours of free IT support. Over 10 years of outstanding IT service has earned us a Better Business Bureau rating of A+, an honor earned by our hard work and dedication to advocating for our clients. bbb-a-rating-e1526007973815

Get better IT

Complete this form to determine how many hours of free IT support you could receive. Because of limited availability, service is on a first come, first served basis.

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